
Showing posts from August, 2020

India Needs to Shut Half of its Government Schools

 How many schools do we have in India? We have 1.5 million schools in our country, yes 15 lakh schools and China just has 2.5 lakh. A country which is more populous than ours and is about three times our size China has only 1/6th of our schools. And when it comes to learning, Chinese kids are among the top 5 globally and Indian kids, unfortunately, they are in the bottom 5. More than 50% kids in India cannot read fluently and cannot do basic addition.  As a country we have one of the largest footprints of schools and one of the deepest learning crisis. Experts say that our learning crisis is linked to our footprints and so India needs to shut down half of its government schools. If we want to improve education in India, not for a few but for all of our kids we really need to shut down 5 lakh government schools in the country.  The picture above shows exactly what a government school looks like in the rural India, it has 45-50 kids and perhaps 2 classrooms, electricity and water are now

DeepFakes: A Complete Threat

  Rana Ayyub is an Indian journalist whose work has exposed government corruption and human rights violations, and over the years she got used to trolls and controversies around her work but none of them have prepared her for what she faced in April 2018. She was sitting in a cafe when she saw it for the first time, a two minute twenty second video of her engaged in a sex act. She could not believe on her eyes because she never made a sex video but unfortunately thousands and thousands of people believed it was her. Ayyub said that sex is so often used to demean and shame women especially minority women who dare to challenge the powerful men, which she had done in her work. The fake sex video went viral in just 48 hours, all of her online accounts were flooded with screenshots of the video, with graphic rape and death rates, and lots and lots of abusive messages. An another online post suggested that she was available for sex and her home address and cell phone number was spread across

Time Travel: A Paranormal Phenomena or a Reality?

Time Travel  has been one of the most exciting topics for the Science Fiction movies since decades. In such movies we see that people sit in some sort of vehicles and they travel into time and reach to the past or future, full of adventures. But is this really possible? Can we travel into time? According to most of the scientists it is not possible with the best of physics or technological knowledge but some still believe that is possible.  What is time? According to Einstein's Theory of relativity time is relative, it is an illusion, it can vary for different observers depending on their speed through space and not constant as it is believed by many of us. Einstein theory of special relativity says that time slows or speeds up depending on how fast or slow we move relative to something else. This theory also explains the Twin Paradox, that says if one of the twins travels through space with the speed of light while the other twin being on earth, then the one who traveled space wil

Parallel Lives

We all live  in a world that is full of mysteries, many a times we do not have any scientific explanation to the things that are happening around. We encounter incidents that make us believe in some supernatural powers even if we do not want to. Parallel Life, Parallel Universe, Time travel and many more are some of the phenomena that the world has encountered in real and have evidences but it is still hard to believe in these and we do not have any scientific explanation to them, these are beyond our science. Parallel life is one of them and many of us may or may not have heard about it. Parallel life actually means that an individual lives exactly the same life that was lived in the past by some other individual after his death. They have the same qualities, same attitude and even same kind of death. This is really shocking and most of us may not believe in this but it is true. There are many evidences to prove this, so let us look at some of these: 1. Abraham Lincoln and John F Ke

Youthful India and the Education System

65 % of Indian population is under 35 and we have more than 50 % of people under 25, that means we are an amazingly young country. If we just take the age group from 10 to 19 then we find that there are 226 million Indians that are going through their school and are ready for higher education. Now this is something very amazing because it is happening at a time when the rest of the world is aging. The average age in India today is 27, and by 2030 the average age in Japan is going to be 47, in China it's going to be 43, Europe 46 and the youthful US 40 and India's average age is going to be 31. So we potentially have the people who are youthful, productive, dynamic and ready to work and transform the world. The kind of role that China played in the last generation could be ours in the next.  The International Labor Organization has estimated that by 2025 we will have 116 million people in the age group of 20-24 and China will have only 96 million. We in India have the people but

Nuclear Holocaust: The Collapse of Civilization

  66 million years ago, a mountain sized asteroid travelling 10 times faster than a bullet slammed in the shallow seas, covering what is now known as the Yucatan Peninsula of  Mexico. The immense energy of the impact hurled rocks as far as North Canada and it vaporized the asteroid in parts of Mexico and in the shallow sea. The vaporized rock and water rose far above the atmosphere and spread over the planet, as it cooled molten drops of rock about the size of  grains of sand solidified into an immense swarm of shooting stars. These shooting stars when entered the earths atmosphere heated the atmosphere to a thousand degrees faranheit. Standing at the ground the dinosaurs saw the blue sky becoming a sheet of red hot lava. The dinosaurs were boiled to death under the glowing sky. The glowing sky started everything on fire, huge clouds of smoke rose into the upper atmosphere and blocked the sun, so that no sunlight reached the ground. It became cold and dark, photosynthesis stopped and

Viruses: The Global Epidemic

              Earlier when we used to think about a global catastrophe the only thing that used to come in our mind was a nuclear war, but the scenario has changed over  time. Today when we talk about a global catastrophe or a global pandemic what comes to our mind is a virus, an infectious virus. If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades  then it is most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. The world has invested a huge  amount of money in nuclear weapons but very little in a system that could stop an epidemic. There are actually two types of viruses, first is the viruses that infect animals, and animals pass them to other animals, and then there are viruses that infect humans and we pass them to other humans. Suppose a person is having a human virus and he/she goes to the market and purchases chicken that has an animal virus and eats it without cooking it properly, so now that person is having two viruses inside him/her an animal virus and

We Too Deserve It.....

    Being a girl is not so simple in a society like mine, I belong to a middle class family from a small village in Bihar. My father is a teacher and I have two brothers and I am the middle one. When I passed my matriculation everyone was happy but there were some people who had this thought in their mind that these things are not meant for girls, achievements are only meant for boys. After my matriculation I decided to go to city to prepare for JEE and intermediate and this idea was refused by all my relatives but I always had my father by my side. He supported me no matter what, my parents were there to always stand for me. When I went to the city my neighbours started talking behind that i was living alone in the city who knows I am studying there or doing some other kind of unacceptable things. They even used to question my parents about this that they should not send a girl to study because it is very risky and might affect their marriage.   This was all that was going behind me b

The Brain Computer Interface: Brain Chips

If we examine our brain we will realize that over a hundred thousand years our brain has remained the same, we have the same brain as of the prehistoric early men but the world around us has changed radically, this is because the brain is very powerful and it is very elastic, it can reprogram itself. But now we have begin to change our brains with the help of new technologies. Brain Computer Interface EEG ( electroencephalogram) allow us   to actually measure your brain ways of doing things and these devices can tell your concentration levels, they can be used to actually move a cursor on the screen just by reading your mind and your concentration level, and you don't even need to touch the screen.   These devices find applications in entertainment as of controlling the games, in medical these devices are being used for conditions like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), ADHT (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and other conditions. They are also used in education, it

5G-More than a Cellular Network

Most of us have already heard about this buzz word 5G , it is the latest evolution of networking cellular technology. In order to really understand how 5G will help us in the future it's important to really go back and see how cellular technology has changed our life in the past.  The cellular network evolution goes as follows: a. 1G: The first generation cellular network brought phone calls to people, most of us might think that even before cellphone we were able to make calls through radio-telephones but it is not true. What we were able to do with this radio-telephone was that to call at a particular place or location. Suppose you had to make a call to your friend through    radio-telephone  then to do so you will have to be at your house and call your friend at his house and suppose he/she was not there then you will have to wait them to come back to their house and call to your house. 1G solved this problem as it enabled us to call a person no matter where they are. b. 2G: T