Parallel Lives

We all live  in a world that is full of mysteries, many a times we do not have any scientific explanation to the things that are happening around. We encounter incidents that make us believe in some supernatural powers even if we do not want to. Parallel Life, Parallel Universe, Time travel and many more are some of the phenomena that the world has encountered in real and have evidences but it is still hard to believe in these and we do not have any scientific explanation to them, these are beyond our science.
Parallel life is one of them and many of us may or may not have heard about it. Parallel life actually means that an individual lives exactly the same life that was lived in the past by some other individual after his death. They have the same qualities, same attitude and even same kind of death. This is really shocking and most of us may not believe in this but it is true. There are many evidences to prove this, so let us look at some of these:

1. Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy: 

There are some amazingly strange similarities between the two iconic American presidents.

a.)  Both the presidents were elected as the house of representatives in '46:
Abraham Lincoln was elected to the congress in 1846 similarly John F Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946 exactly after 100 years.

b.) Both were elected to the presidency in '60', and inaugurated in '61':
Lincoln won the election in 1860 and his inauguration was held in 1861 meanwhile Kennedy won the election in 1960 and his inauguration was held in 1961.

c.) Both defeated an obligatory vice president for the presidency:
Lincoln defeated vice president John C. Breckenridge and Kennedy defeated vice president Richard Nixon.

d.) Both their vice president and successors were southern democrats name Johnson:
Abraham Lincoln successor was Andrew Johnson whereas John F Kennedy successor was Lyndon Johnson. And both the Johnsons' were born in '08', Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.

e.) Both were shot in the back of their head and in the presence of their wives:

f.) Both the killers were born in '39':

 John Wilkes Booth who assassinated Abraham Lincoln was born in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated John F Kennedy was born in 1939.

g.) Connection with FORD:
Abraham Lincoln was shot in the head at a theater name Ford. Kennedy was shot in a 'Lincoln' car made by Ford. 

h.) Theater and Warehouse:
Abraham Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassins ran into a warehouse. John F Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassins ran into a theater.

2.) Lives of Mary Donaldson and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano:

a.) Both were born in the same year:
Mary was born February and Letizia was born in September of 1972.

b.) Both their husbands born in the same year and are prince:

Crown Prince Frederik who married Mary Donaldson was born in may 1968 and is the prince of Denmark whereas Price Felipe was also born in 1968 and is the prince of Spain.

c.) Both married in the same year:
Mary married to the Prince of Denmark on 14 May 2004 and Letizia married to the Prince of Spain on 22 May 2004.

d.) Both had their first baby in the same year:
Mary's first child Prince Christian was born on 15 October 2005 and Letizia's first child Princess Leonor was born on 31 October 2005.

e.) Both gave birth to their second child in the same year:
Mary gave birth to princess Isabella on 21 April 2007 and Letizia gave birth to Princess Sofia on 29 April 2007.  

The above mentioned lives are a perfect example of parallel life. If there is some similarity between the lives of two people then this is called a coincidence but if everything comes out to be exactly same then this becomes a parallel life.If we look deep into our holy books and our religious text then we can find the mention of parallel life in them. Scientists are eagerly researching on these topics. There are so many such events that are happening around us which are hard to believe. If you have experienced or witnessed any such events then please share it with us, we would be very glad.


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