5G-More than a Cellular Network

Most of us have already heard about this buzz word 5G , it is the latest evolution of networking cellular technology. In order to really understand how 5G will help us in the future it's important to really go back and see how cellular technology has changed our life in the past. The cellular network evolution goes as follows: a. 1G: The first generation cellular network brought phone calls to people, most of us might think that even before cellphone we were able to make calls through radio-telephones but it is not true. What we were able to do with this radio-telephone was that to call at a particular place or location. Suppose you had to make a call to your friend through radio-telephone then to do so you will have to be at your house and call your friend at his house and suppose he/she was not there then you will have to wait them to come back to their house and call to your house. 1G solved this problem as it enabled us to call a person no matter where they ...