The Brain Computer Interface: Brain Chips

If we examine our brain we will realize that over a hundred thousand years our brain has remained the same, we have the same brain as of the prehistoric early men but the world around us has changed radically, this is because the brain is very powerful and it is very elastic, it can reprogram itself. But now we have begin to change our brains with the help of new technologies. Brain Computer Interface EEG (electroencephalogram) allow us to actually measure your brain ways of doing things and these devices can tell your concentration levels, they can be used to actually move a cursor on the screen just by reading your mind and your concentration level, and you don't even need to touch the screen. 
 These devices find applications in entertainment as of controlling the games, in medical these devices are being used for conditions like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), ADHT (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and other conditions. They are also used in education, it has applications that are being used for children to study and they measure the concentration level of students while they are studying. 
 These devices are now capable of recording dreams but in a primitive way by capturing and identifying what a person is dreaming. In a study these EEG devices were hooked up on a person's head and after the person slept and had dreams, they woke them up and asked to recall the dream and they read the patterns in their brain and after the person slept again and if they dream of the same thing the brain was able to recognize those patterns, and could actually reflect what the dream was.
 Brain Chips:

Today scientists around the world are developing Brain Chips. These are wireless chips that can be inserted into the brains. Scientists performed an experiment on a monkey that broke its back and its spinal cord was damaged because of which the monkey was paralyzed from the waist down. Scientists inserted two chips into the monkey one in its  brain and another chip in its lower spine, and they allowed the brain to communicate with the lower spine and as soon as they did this the monkey was able to walk again. This is really amazing if monkey's can do this what humans can come up with is far more interesting.

When we start to think about the future where technology is headed this is where we are going:
We will have brain chips in humans and the people who will be getting these chips first are those who suffer from severe medical conditions, like paralyzed from the neck down or Alzheimer disease or Parkinson disease and the brain chip will be able to restore their quality of life again. These experiments have already started now. 

Let's look at something that is even more interesting scientists have done experiments with rats and they put chips in the rat's brain and they taught the rat how to do certain things to get food, it took the rat weeks to learn that, then scientists hooked the rat's brain chip to the internet and they had another rat in another city and instantly they connected the two rats brains and then the other rat knew how to get food without learning anything , the knowledge was transferred from one brain of a living animal to another brain of a living animal. This is really amazing and it opens up a new world of possibilities, if they could do this now then imagine ten years from now what could be done with humans. 

Let us look at some of the very interesting facts about Brain Chips:

Mind to Mind:

Mind to Mind communication is something like science fiction that we all have read about, but this is actually possible today. There will come a time when, if we have a chip in our brain and the other person who has a chip in his/her brain can really communicate without talking, no matter where they are on the earth and we can exchange knowledge.

Brain to internet:
If we look at a world where we have these chips connected to the internet then all of a sudden every piece of information on the internet becomes accessible to our brains, today we go to google to search out things but that will become so primitive no one will do that we will just have to think what knowledge do we need and it will all appear there for us to use.

Transfer Memories:
This becomes even strange because we will not only able to transfer knowledge but we will also be able to transfer memories. So if you have an experience of sky-diving then you could transfer this experience to someone who never did sky-diving. It gets even weirder because we live our lives the way we want, we have our memories but all of a sudden we will have access to anyone's life who want to make it available for us. People will put open source their life so other's will be able to download pieces of  their lives and experience those things. 

Download Memories:
We all are learning something today that can be any degree or any knowledge that we want, but this will become awful with time as all these knowledge will be made available on cloud and we will just have to download things from the best minds in the world whatever we need to know. We will no longer have universities as we have them today, information will be on demand. All of us will be smarter, have infinite amount of storage and infinite access to information.We will no longer be an isolated human being we will be connected to everyone. 

Virtual Reality in our head:

We will not only get knowledge but we will be able to have full experience in our head. Today we have VR units that has to be put on but in future will be able to just download the whole environment and live in it. Most of us might think that this is not real, this cannot be possible but think about our dreams the dreams that we see at night are real no matter what, we actually feel them as we are really living in it. Our brain has this capability already built in, all it takes is the technology to stimulate and transfer the right images to our brain so our brain could create them. 

  These technologies will actually blur the difference between reality and dreams, we will be spending more time in dreams. These technologies totally recreate even the sensations of human body and if this happens we will no longer have only five senses like today we will have six senses. It will radically change how we perceive existence and this can really happen.
            But we need to think about this, technology is really powerful, the internet being connected is really powerful and we are moving on a path when we will become the internet, the internet will become us we will be inseparable. But when we do that we have to  understand that this is a big responsibility, its something we as a society, as a human race must think about very carefully because imagine people can hack your cell phone today because it is connected to the internet, your computers could be hacked and important information could be stolen but these hackers cannot really hurt you. But in the future though if someone hacks into your brain because it is connected to the internet, they can steal YOU. They can implant memories in your head that you do not have they can erase your memories, they could actually control you in ways that you won't even know that you are controlled. Isn't it all scary because we are not just creating heaven for us but we are also creating hell.


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