
Chanakya Chants Book Review

 "The unity and integrity of India requires strong leaders and often these leaders must play dirty games." Chanakya chanted knowing that he had achieved his ambition of uniting Bharat under Chandragupta. But to achieve that he had sacrificed his one chance for love. The importance of the beautiful chant "Adi Shakti, Namo Namah; Sarab Shakti, Namo Namah; Prithum Bhagvati Namo Namah; Kundalini Mata Shakti; Mata Shakti, NamoN Namah’. A dazzling political thriller, Game theory and strategies of politics at its best. Must read for the ones who are even mildly interested in politics or bureaucracy. But the plot is wicked. shrewd, vile..sick sick sick. Not for the ones who love to live their lives taking decisions by heart, being pure. My actual favourite line was "Uncle Ganga, you shall definitely go to hell when you die". Which brings up this great discussion Is it better to live "straight from heart" with pure feelings without any wrong intentions...? Who

An Unpredictable and Undeserving Story - of a mother & daughter

 A girl(Sangeeta) was born in a very remote village of Bihar, as she grew she was not offered any education and was totally dedicated towards her marriage. She was always told that the only aim in her life was to marry someone and raise a family. Time passed and she was 15. At this point let me make you aware of a marriage tradition that you all must have heard and that is " Pakadawa Vivah" . In this Vivah or marriage, the bride's family chooses a groom or keeps an eye on someone they want to marry their girl, and on the decided date, the bride side just kidnaps the supposed groom and is forced into marriage. This is something that has been practiced for so long in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Pakadawa Vivah also saved the dowry that the bride's parents have to offer to the groom in return for the marriage. Sangeeta was born at a time when there were no strict rules against Pakadawa Vivah and as she was one of the 5 sisters in her home her faith was already decided. As sh

How does Hard Drive Work?

  How does a hard drive store so much information in such a small space? At the heart of every hard drive is a stack of high-speed spinning discs with a recording head flying over each surface. Each disc is coated with a film of microscopic magnetised metal grains, and our data doesn't live there in a form you can recognize. Instead, it is recorded as a magnetic pattern formed by groups of those tiny grains. In each group also known as a bit, all of the grains have their magnetizations aligned in one of the two possible states, which corresponds to zeros and ones. Data is written onto the disc by converting strings of bits into electrical current fed through an electromagnet. This magnet generates a field strong enough to change the direction of the metal grain's magnetization. Once this information is written onto the disc,  the drive uses a magnetic reader to turn it back into a useful form, which is much like a phonograph needle.  But how can you get so much of information o

What is love???

What is love? Seriously, what is it? A verb? A noun? A universal truth? An ideal? A common thread of all religions? A cult? A neurological phenomenon? There is no shortage of answers, some are all-encompassing. It conquers all. Its all you need. It's all there is. These are all comparisons though, ways of defining it by contrast, by saying it's more important than all other things, but is it? Sure love matters more than your favourite dessert but does it matter more than shelter? Or sanity? No matter what your answer is, you are just ranking it, not defining it. Another challenge to defining love is that we often try to do so while falling into it or out of it. Love is potentially the most intensely thought about thing in all of human history and despite centuries upon centuries of obsession, it still overwhelms us. Some say its a feeling, a magical emotion, a feeling for someone like you have never felt before. But feelings are fluid, not very concrete foundation for a definit

Why do we Love?

Romantic love, beautiful and intoxicating,  heartbreaking and soul-crushing, often all at the same time. Why do we choose to put ourselves through its emotional wringer?  Does love make our life meaningful? or is it an escape from our loneliness and suffering? Is love a disguise for our sexual desire, or a trick of biology to make us procreate? Is it all we need? Do we need it at all?  If romantic love has a purpose, neither science nor psychology has discovered it yet. But over the course of history, some of our most respected philosophers have put forward some intriguing theories.  1. Love makes us whole, again: The ancient Greek philosopher Plato explored the idea that we love in order to become complete. In his "Symposium" he wrote about a dinner party, at which Aristophanes, a comic playwright, regales the guests with the following story: Humans were once creatures with four arms, four legs, and two faces. One day, they angered the gods, and Zeus sliced them all in two.

What Causes Headaches?

In ancient Greece, headaches were considered a powerful affliction. Victims prayed for relief from Asclepius, the god of medicine. And if the pain continued, a medical practitioner would perform the best- known remedy, drilling a small hole in the skull to drain supposedly infected blood.  This dire technique called trepanation often replaced the headache with a more permanent condition. Fortunately, doctors, today don't resort to power tools to cure headaches. But we still have a lot to learn about this ancient ailment.  Today we have classified headaches into two camps: 1. Primary headaches 2. Secondary headaches Primary headaches are not symptomatic of an underlying disease, injury, or condition; they are the condition itself. Primary headaches account for 50% of reported cases, we actually know much more about secondary headaches.  Secondary headaches are caused by other health problems with triggers ranging from dehydration and caffeine withdrawal to head and neck injury or h

Are You Sitting Too Much?

 Right now you are probably sitting down to read this blog and staying seated for a few minutes is probably okay but the longer you sit the more agitated your body becomes. It sits there counting down the moments until you stand up again and take it for a walk. That may sound ridiculous because we love to sit right? Not really sitting for brief periods can help us recover from stress but nowadays our lifestyles make us sit much more than we move around and our bodies are simply not built for such a sedentary existence. In fact, just the opposite is true, the human body is built to move and you can see evidence of that in the way it is structured. Inside us are over 36o joints and about 700 skeletal muscles that enable easy, fluid motion. The body's unique physical structure gives the ability to stand straight against the pull of gravity. Our blood depends on us moving around to be able to circulate properly. Our nerve cells benefit from movements and our skin is elastic meaning it